At an altitude of 40,000 miles above the earth’s surface, three Israeli Arrow rockets have destroyed simulated Iranian nuclear missiles. The test flights were conducted recently at the American missile test site at Kodiak Island in Alaska over a ten-day period. For the past three years, Israeli and American missile experts have been collaborating on a crash program, and with good reason. Iran has openly been developing ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles), necessary for delivering nuclear warheads. (Somehow former US President Barack Obama “forgot” about this critical delivery system essential for atomic warheads). Meanwhile, Iran’s fanatical Islamist leaders threaten daily to wipe Israel off the map.
“They succeeded beyond our wildest dreams. We now have the capability to intercept ICBMs launch from Iran or anyone else”.
Undoubtedly, it was an outstanding technological feat – the arrows, racing at thousands of miles an hour, hit a bullseye every time. It sent a stark message to Iran that Israel now has an operational missile defense for any Iranian attempt to nuke the Jewish state in the future. Moreover, the exceptionally high speed of the arrows enables them to blast Iranian ICBMs at a long distance, meaning there would be no nuclear fallout on Israel. Reacting to the test, Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu said, “They succeeded beyond our wildest dreams. We now have the capability to intercept ICBMs launch from Iran or anyone else”.
The Sunni Arab states in the region that are threatened by Iran certainly took notice. Countries like Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States, Egypt, and Jordan. They may even be cooperating militarily with Israel when it comes to confronting Iran. Although they will never say so publically, they must also be quietly pleased with Israel’s success in space. And the fact that American experts collaborated in this missile breakthrough is yet another example of Israel’s contribution to America’s overall defense.
American aircraft and weaponry are often put through their first critical combat tests by the IDF
While on the subject, there has been another Israeli spin-off for the US airforce. For the first time, the American-built F-35 jet is being flown in actual combat missions, and, by Israel pilots. This was disclosed recently by Israel’s Air Force Commander. A foreign newspaper has reported that this included an Israeli airstrike on Iranian forces in Iraq that have been secretly trying to move closer to the Israeli border by way of Iraq and then Syria. The Israeli pilots will be putting their F-35s through the paces and sending performance data back to the US Air Force. This is a common occurrence – American aircraft and weaponry are often put through their first critical combat tests by the IDF. This, and more.
In 1966, Israel’s Mossad engineered the defection of an Iraqi pilot who took off and flew his new MIG-21 to land in Israel. At the time, the MIG-21 was just coming off the production line, and the US and the rest of the Western nations were extremely eager to learn about the capabilities of this new threat. After Israeli pilots put the MIG-21 to the test, you can bet that Israel shipped it “by express” to America where the US air force was chomping at the bit to do the same. Also, during the first Lebanese War in 1982, Israeli aircraft destroyed 18 out of 19 Soviet anti-aircraft batteries operated by the Syrians. This was accomplished without Israel losing even one aircraft. This feat sent shock waves through the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact allies that were defended by similar anti-aircraft weapons against the US and the West. This is only part of how Israel contributes to the special relationship with America.
In fact, former US Defense Secretary, Ash Carter, once inferred that Israel provides more input to America’s defense than all the rest of NATO combined. “The Israelis you will find to be clever and innovative. It’s a two-way relationship. We really do get things from the Israelis in technology. There’s no question that American lives have been saved as a consequence of Israel’s help. They’re in a league that has very few members.”
More than 150,000 American servicemen are stationed in 70 countries around the globe.
I refer to these examples in response to the “slings and arrows” of some American critics about the 4 billion-dollar annual aid program to the Jewish state. Some of them sound like lowlife anti-Semites, while others may simply be ignorant of the facts. But the truth is that many of America’s other foreign allies receive far more aid than Israel – expense also footed by American tax-payers.
Consider these facts: Professor Hillel Frisch, of Bar Ilan University in Tel Aviv, has found that more than 150,000 American servicemen are stationed in 70 countries around the globe. This annual cost, also to American tax-payers, is a whopping 85 billion to 100 billion US dollars annually! For example:
Japan – 27 billion dollars (over six times more than Israel)
Germany – 21 billion dollars
South Korea – 15 billion
Italy – 6 billion
And even Kuwait and Bahrain, awash in oil, received the same amount of 4 billion dollars annually when including the cost of stationing American forces abroad. Moreover, not even one American soldier, sailor, or pilot is now standing on guard to defend Israel as they are in the nations mentioned above. What’s the price tag you can put on that? QED.